Assisted Home Nursing – Swartland


Our Services

Care for Children

Providing care for children can arise for a number of reasons. The parent may be recovering from an operation or illness, the child may have an illness of their own, or the child may not have family of their own. Post-Operative provides services that care for, support and protect children.

The overall aim of our care for children services is to provide all children with the support and opportunities that all children deserve. Working with children is very rewarding and it is a real achievement when a child finds their voice and independence.

End of Life Care

A key factor which was established in 2008 was the belief that people should have the choice to spend their time at home surrounded by family and familiarity.

End of life care in the home is a service that is in increasing demand due to the ability of the care to be specifically tailored to each client’s needs. You can take great pride in providing end of life care and it is very satisfying to know that you have enabled someone to remain at home towards the end of their life.

Live-in Care

Short-term and long-term live-in care is essential for those who need 24 hour support but want to stay at home rather than moving into residential or nursing care.

We provide personalised, tailored Live-in care to suit the needs, wishes and desired outcomes of the client and their family. Live-in care can come in all shapes and sizes, but the most important thing to remember is that you can tailor the service to suit the client’s needs.

Night Care

Support at night can be a hard thing to find. It seems that very few companies provide this service but there is a market for it.

There are different types of night care that are affected by the client’s level of need. Sleep-in care require a carer to sleep at the client’s property overnight but they can be disturbed during the night for a short duration of time on no more than 2 occasions.

An alternative is wake-in care that requires the carer to be awake throughout the night. This would usually only be required by a client with extensive needs.

Rehabilitation Care

Post-Operative – to provide care and support for people following a discharge from hospital, typically after an operation or illness.

Most of our clients will leave hospital after having an operation and need someone with them to provide a wide range of care services until they recover and are able to support themselves.

Rehabilitation care is a service that allows people to be able to return home rather than being transferred to a residential or nursing home or stay in hospital.

Pet Care

Pet care is a growing market. More and more people are choosing to keep their pets at home whilst they are away.

This service is also ideal for people who work and want the peace of mind that their pets will be walked, fed, toileted and generally checked upon whilst they are away from their property. Other additional benefits include improved security to the property by having a regular visitor whilst the client is away.

Physical Disabilities Care

Post-Operative provides a tailored service for our clients with physical disabilities to support our clients in their daily lives.

The service we provide for our clients with physical disabilities goes one step further than our competitors. The care service is specially tailored for the individual but furthermore we provide a full evaluation of your home free of charge. This evaluation can be supported by a separate occupational therapy assessment, and we will work with you to help you source equipment or adapt your home.

Dementia Alzheimers Care

Dementia is a condition that is becoming more and more common, and since we were established in 2008 we have provided a range of support tailor made for those affected by Dementia.

Our Dementia and Alzheimer’s care services offers a tailored support package to those affected by these conditions. Our care assessments, staff training and customer support are designed to support those with the early stage of Dementia and those with severe Dementia.

Personal Care

Personal care covers a wide range of tasks that include:
Assisting clients with their personal hygiene and toileting requirements – includes toileting support and changing incontinence pads through to supporting clients with stoma bags and emptying catheters. Our team also assist our clients with showering, bathing, strip and bed washes.
Assistance with medication – this ranges from prompting to collecting medication.
Assistance with meals – this includes preparation of microwave meals and making sandwiches.
Assistance with dressing – this includes helping clients to get dressed, or to dress them fully if they are unable to so themselves.

Domestic Care

One of the most common areas people need extra help is around the house or garden, particularly if their level of mobility is not what it once was.

Domestic care covers any number of day-to-day activities from preparing breakfast to loading the washing machine; from changing the bin to replacing a light bulb. Our domestic carers are trained to deal with many different household tasks, completed to the clients own preferences and personal standards.

Our staff’s role for this service is to work as part of a team to maintain standards of cleanliness and hygiene within the individual’s home, whilst ensuring a safe, comfortable environment at all times.